Research Interests
Individual differences
Psychometric Assessment
Emotion regulation (Intrinsic & Extrinsic)
Personality Processes
Adult Attachment
Dark Triad
Walker, S.A., Lopez-Perez, B., Kunst, H., Beckmann, J., & Polias, S. (2024) The Need for a Unified Language Framework in Extrinsic Emotion Regulation Research. In press. Emotion
Walker, S. A., & MacCann, C. (2024). Faking good on self-reports versus informant-reports of emotional intelligence. Assessment, 31(5), 1011-1019.
MacCann, C., Double, K.S., Olderbak, S., Austin, E.J., Pinkus, R.T., Walker, S.A., Kunst, H., & Niven, K. (2024) What do we do to help others feel better? Eight extrinsic emotion regulation processes linked to affective and interpersonal outcomes. In Press. Emotion
Walker, S.A., MacCann, C. (2024) Faking Good and Bad on Self-Reports versus Informant-Reports of Dark Triad Personality. International Journal of Selection and Assessment. In Press. https://doi.org/10.1111/ijsa.12465
Walker, S.A., MacCann, C., & Jonason, P. K. (2023) The dark informant-rated Triad (DIRT): A concise informant-rated Measure of the Dark Triad. European Journal of Personality Assessment. Advance Online Publication. https://doi.org/10.1027/1015-5759/a000796
Walker, S.A., Pinkus, R.T., Olderbak, S., & MacCann, C. (2023) People with higher relationship satisfaction use more humor, valuing, and receptive listening to regulate their partners’ emotions. Current Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-023-04432-4
Walker, S. A., Birney, D. P., & MacCann, C. (2022). How Much Can People Fake on the Dark Triad? A Meta-analysis and Systematic Review of Instructed Faking. Personality and Individual Differences, 193, 111622
Walker, S. A., Olderbak, S., Gorodezki, J., Zhang, M., Ho, C., & MacCann, C. (2022) Primary and Secondary Psychopathy Relate to Lower Cognitive Reappraisal: A Meta-analysis of the Dark Triad and Emotion Regulation Processes. Personality and Individual Differences, 187, 111394
Walker, S. A., Double, K. S., Kunst, H., Zhang, M., & MacCann, C. (2022). Emotional Intelligence and Attachment in Adulthood: A Meta-analysis. Personality and Individual Differences, 184, 111174
Xiao, H., Double, K.S., Walker, S.A., Kunst, H., & MacCann, C. (2022). Emotionally Intelligent People Use More High-Engagement and Less Low-Engagement Processes to Regulate Others’ Emotions. Journal of Intelligence, 10(4), 76.
Walker, S.A., Double K.S., Birney P., (2021). The complicated relationship between the dark triad and emotional intelligence: A systematic review. Emotion Review. 13(3):257-274.
Webb, S., Birney, D. P., Loh, V., Walker, S. A., Lampit, A., & Bahar-Fuchs, A. (2021) Cognition-oriented treatments for older adults: A systematic review of the influence of depression and self-efficacy individual differences factors. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 1-37
Dilevski, N., Paterson, H., Walker, S.A., van Golde, C. (2020). Adult Memory for Specific Instances of a Repeated Event: A Preliminary Review. Psychiatry, Psychology and Law,
Double, K. S., Birney, D. P., & Walker, S. A. (2018). A meta-analysis and systematic review of reactivity to judgements of learning. Memory, 26(6), 741-750.
Research Philosophy
My research focuses on individual differences in emotion regulation, with a view to further understanding the processes and goals involved in extrinsic emotional regulation – how and why individuals attempt to influence the emotional experiences of others. My work involves both the development of new psychometric tools and analyses of existing tools, how they are used, and how people use these tools in different settings and contexts.
The interdisciplinary nature of my research is a key component of my research. By integrating educational, organisational, forensic, and cognitive psychology, I aim to examine a multifaceted perspective on the ‘why’ and ‘how’ of extrinsic emotion regulation. This interdisciplinary synthesis not only enriches the theoretical framework of my research but also enhances its applicability across various domains.
I am committed to the responsible conduct and dissemination of research. I uphold the principles of transparency and accountability, recognising their importance in maintaining the integrity and progress of scientific endeavours. This commitment is reflected in my teaching and mentoring, where I emphasise the value of ethical research practices.
In summary, my research philosophy is characterised by a methodical approach to understanding emotion regulation, a commitment to the development and analysis of psychometric tools, and an interdisciplinary approach. Through this, I aim to contribute substantively to our understanding of how and why we influence the emotional experience of others, and from that, be part of the responsible and collaborative scientific community.