In the media
To Psychology & Beyond Podcast
The focus of this podcast is to give a little more insight into the research, academics, and students within the school of psychology at the University of Sydney. Season 1 is complete with a season 2 planned.
In the press
Sarah’s research has been featured in:
Education Today UK
The Greater Good (Berkley University)
Psychology Today
Public and Invited Talks
Sarah frequently presents her research at academic conferences, and has been invited to present her research, and give invited lectures, and workshops at a number of Universities and organisations across Australia, Europe, and the UK.
Sarah has also given public talks at events such as Future Science Talks, a series held at East Village in Sydney’s Darlinghurst to increase science communication for public audiences.
Future Science Talks (click link)
Upcoming Talks 2024
March: Business School, University of Sydney, Australia (Invited Talk)
April: School of Psychology, University of Padua, Italy (Invited Talk)
July: International Society for Research on Emotion (Conference talk)
August: European Conference on Personality (Conference talk)
October: University of Economics and Human Sciences (Invited Talk)